Present:  Brothers Cleveland, Farrow, Haynes, Kooyoomjian, Nowill, Popple, Tuttle (J.), Ryan, Wilkinson, Cheren, Mitchell

The the fourth regular meeting of Kappa Omicron chapter was called to order at 7:10 p.m. by President Jim Farrell in the Hampden Room of the Student Union.

Finance Committee - Kooyoomjian There is $39.74 of the treasury present.  After all expenses and remains $60.28 in the Book Exchange Fund.  Tentative committee budget should be into the Finance Committee by the 12th.  Money must be raised to finance UN Week.
Possibly possibility of a grant from the student Senate.
Possibility of a concert -- Joan Baez doesn't look promising.
Possibility of the dance in the Student Union to raise money ($200) to back talent

Service Committee Appointment

Dick Morrow is appointed to the Service Committee.  It is hoped that other pledges will join committees.

Banquet -- Popple

The motion was made and pased (2 - 4 - 1) to have our annual banquet May 6, in the Student Union.

The Fellowship Committee, the alumni, and the Corresponding Secretary were directed to meet together and send out invitations to guests for the banquet.

Chapter Room Fund -- Kooyoomjian

The dispute has arisen as to what may be bought with the Chapter Room Funds.  It was moved (Cheren) and seconded that the Finance Committee be given the power to determine what should be bought with money collected for the Chapter Room Fund.  Motion defeated (3 - 5 - 1)

It was moved (Mitchell) that the Chapter Room Fund be liquidated and all monies returned to the Brothers involved.  At this time brother Nowill called for quorum call.  The quorum was not present.

The meeting was adjourned at 8 p.m.

Respectfully submitted
Lawrence Popple
Recording Secretary

Next available meeting minutes